December 24, 2010 – 11:52 am
Setting: AU
Words: 36,937
Rating: Adult
Three days into the hostage siege at the Three Rivers Trust, Wolf and his men finally manage to escape the police cordon.
Also posted in Adult, Ashley Beck, AU, Cat (Marshall O'Brien), Chloe, Novelette, Pig (Albert Roman), Pig/Ashley, Post-series, Scribbler, Wolf/Chloe
July 21, 2009 – 5:57 pm
Setting: 1.02 Who’s Afraid Of Mr. Wolf?
Words: 640
Rating: Teen
The deadline Wolf gave Captain Cali approaches rapidly, and he’ll have to make a decision soon.
July 4, 2009 – 10:03 pm
Setting: Season 1
Words: 800
Rating: Teen
Wolf has called Cali into the bank for a private talk that will destroy the trust they’ve developed between them. But before Wolf can speak, something very bizarre happens…. A crack!fic AU written for Cliche Bingo and the prompt “Bodyswap”.
July 1, 2009 – 8:37 pm
Setting: Pre-series
Words: 1,717
Rating: Teen
Mendez’s squad had reasons to be mad at the brass even before Fallujah. That much is obvious even to Jake Green, a driver working for independent contractor J&R, when they’re assigned to escort him on a trip to Balad. (Jake Green is a main character from the show Jericho.)
April 13, 2009 – 7:00 pm
Setting: Pre-series
Words: 1,830
Rating: General
Sometimes our lives turn on a single moment. For Jake Mendez, that moment is about to arrive.
February 9, 2009 – 8:03 pm
Setting: Undetermined
Words: 986
Rating: General
A good commander is always willing to listen to advice, even if the advisor is a curiosity in himself. (Crossover with Lord of the Rings)
January 25, 2009 – 8:28 pm
Setting: 1.07 Rabbit At Unrest
Words: 1,440
Rating: General
Jake Mendez and Horst Cali have been playing cat and mouse for three days. Now Jake is about to change the rules of the game.
January 22, 2009 – 8:36 pm
Setting: Pre-series
Words: 100
Rating: General
Jake first sees Anna.
January 6, 2009 – 7:34 pm
Setting: Pre-series
Words: 1,870
Rating: General
Court-martialed for serious crimes, Jake is made an offer he doesn’t want to refuse.
November 25, 2008 – 9:33 pm
Setting: Pre-series
Words: 100
Rating: General
The team choose their codenames.